Breakfast Mushroom Hash

Although the hash is pictured here with eggs, when I am not eating eggs, I put slices of avocado on my plate. I particularly like mushroom hash with lamb sausage. We used shitake mushrooms last time, but before that we used criminis which were absolutely delicious. Their flavor is deeply enhanced by the sweetness of the onion. A mix of mushrooms is delicious: any mushrooms you like!

Double or triple the recipe to make enough for several meals, as mushrooms freeze well when cooked, so you can prepare it in advance, thaw and heat when you are ready for it. A simple way to start the day!


  • ½ lb of mushrooms sliced

  • ½ an onion or half a cup on onion diced

  • salt to taste

  • a dash of pepper

  • fat for cooking (bacon fat is delicious here, but make sure its sugar free)


  1. Heat the oil in the pan and cook the onions until they are fragrant. Add the mushrooms but so they are touching the bottom of the pan and allow to cook for several minutes to brown before turning. If you stir mushrooms overly much they become watery, so stir several times letting them brown a few minutes in between.

  2. Serve what you are ready to eat and allow the rest to cool. Freeze in serving size portions. Enjoy all year long