Herb Sausage

This sausage I make for adding to the stuffing for chicken and turkey for turkey day, but I always make extra to freeze so that I have breakfast sausage in the winter. I usually make three times the recipe. Start with a small batch and feel free to experiment.

We found some amazing forest raised local pork that we have been enjoying. Look for the best pastured pork or Tails and Trotters for the best tasting sausage!


  • 1 lb of ground pork

  • 2 tsps garlic powered

  • 1 tbs onion flakes

  • 1 tbs fennel ground

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 1 tsp pepper

  • I sprig of sage stemmed and ground in the food processor


1: Mix all the ingredients in a bowl thoroughly with your hands

2: Shape the mixture into small patties or other shape of your choice

3: Cook on a hot skillet until fragrant and cooked through. Enjoy with any of the other nourishing things you eat for breakfast : )